PE-Redskaber support the Sustainable Development Goals

PE-Redskaber supports the UN SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 concrete goals that aim to set a course towards a more sustainable development for the planet and the people on it. The goals aim to end world poverty and hunger, reduce inequalities, ensure good education and better health for all, decent jobs and more sustainable growth. Results are possible with determination and clear, set objectives, with resources prioritized accordingly. 

PE-Redskaber wants to make a difference and therefore supports the UN SDGs. For now, we are making a commitment to 2 of the SDGs, putting our knowledge at work.

SDG 3 - Health and well-being


We are working on Goal 3, which is about ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages. 

PE-Redskaber has a large network as well as insight into the world of gymnastics and has therefore for many years helped to develop and promote gymnastics, health, and well-being when we have had the opportunity. We have supported the strengthening of mental health through subobjective 3.4 for a long time, and we will continue to focus on this work.

SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


We are working on Goal 9, which is about building a resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and supporting innovation. SDG 9 is essential to ensure economic growth and development.

At the moment, PE-Redskaber is focusing on 9.2, which deals with sustainable industrialization.