Ringe boarding school

Case story: 

Ringe boarding school is one of Denmark's oldest boarding schools, where gymnastics is mandatory for all students. In partnership with PE-Redskaber, the school has built its gymnastics centre - a mecca for learning to jump and a fantastic second living room for the students. 

Solution and statements

Big inground trampolines

"The big trampolines from PE are good for both beginners and advanced gymnasts. The combination of springs, jumping bed and trampoline frame gives a good starting point where there is room through good heights and rotations for new skills. We use the trampolines as part of our daily training, both for technique and aerial awareness. The big trampolines allow the gymnasts to get more jumps in, using the same amount of energy as they would use for one run-up, take-off and end skill - thus the gymnasts get more repetitions, which creates safety for both gymnasts and teachers. 

Inground Fast Tracks 

""We have a 15 metre fast track and it's perfect for our students. We use it both lengthwise for training bigger tumble combinations but also crosswise for technique and landing training. It's a fast track for the more experienced gymnast because of its explosiveness and speed - but if you put a mat on top, it becomes a really good track for beginners.

Open pit 

""We have chosen the pits from PE because it gives us the safety we need while allowing our gymnasts to land their jumps. We use the height adjustment function every day and like the double pit because it creates a sense of community when jumping to the same pit."

Loose foam pit without air cushion

""Our students really like our loose foam pit. It gives the student a feeling that it is not dangerous to try a new skill. In the loose foam pit, big students become little kids because they get giant cubes to play and throw with, without hurting each other. It's a natural gathering point because you can sit with your feet over the edge - and just generally, we use it a lot."

Bungy system

"We like our bungee system because it gives us jump instructors an extra 'hand'. It allows you to get a lot of repetitions without being afraid of hurting yourself - at the same time, you can challenge yourself by doing more combinations".

Exchanging ideas, high quality and personal commitment

""At Ringe Efterskole, we find that PE-Redskaber provides competent inut and discussion on all ideas. We have just developed three new airtracks, where we cannot complain about either execution or involvement in planning. In general, we find that PE-Redskaber always delivers high quality and personal commitment."

Teacher Kristoffer Bjørn, Ringe boarding school

Your security is our responsibility

For us the safety of our users is first priority. That's why we've taken every step to make our pits as safe as possible.

All our edge pads are fixed onto the floor so that the gymnast does not risk falling into a gap

The edge pads are made of firm foam, which ensures that the gymnast does not pass through to the floor

All assemblies are made so that fingers and toes cannot get underneath them and get stuck

The trampolinestop (front edge pad) is only 9,2 mm wide which allows the trampoline to be placed very close to the landing foam for example
The safety edge pad at the end of the foam pad prevents the gymnast from falling into the floor underneath the pit when jumping too far

The edge pad prevents a child from falling between the floorboard and the foam pad

Large full-height plate in the A-hole prevents persons from crawling or falling next to the floorboard
On the recommendation of the Danish Working Environment Authority, we have also chosen to install an extra safety system as a standard feature in all of our pits

All height adjustment systems are equipped with an extra safety shield around the wire wheels to minimize the risk of injury if the pit is not used as directed by PE-Redskaber

The power is automatically disconnected if a person steps under the trampoline and/or foam pad - the system must then be restarted by the caretaker/ hall supervisor or other trained person

During cleaning/service, the "installation key" is placed in the key box down in the hole - it prevents the restart function up in the gym, which means no operation while people are in the hole!

After cleaning/service the system is restarted in the gym and the control panels can be used again for the lift cushions etc.

CE labelled

Contact Chris for more information