PE and TeamGym: A world-class partner

PE-Redskaber is more than just a supplier of gymnastics equipment; we are a strategic partner for TeamGym teams worldwide. Our commitment to quality, safety and innovation helps gymnasts reach their full potential and contributes to the growth of the sport. TeamGym, with its unique combination of rhythmic gymnastics and powerful jumps, benefits greatly from the advanced solutions we offer. Together we create a platform for the gymnastics stars of the future.

PE-Redskaber: An overview

PE-Redskaber is a Danish company founded to provide safe, durable and innovative gymnastics equipment for both professional and recreational athletes. The company specialises in designing and manufacturing a wide range of equipment known for their quality and safety. This makes us the preferred choice for many gymnastics facilities around the world.

Here we will explain how PE-Redskaber support TeamGym and contribute to the growth and success of the sport:

TeamGym: A dynamic discipline in the world of gymnastics

TeamGym, formerly known as Spring Rytme, is one of the latest additions to the European gymnastics world and has seen significant development since the first competitors took place. TeamGym is a team competition that includes three disciplines: floor exercise, tumbling and trampette. These disciplines require effective teamwork, excellent technique and challenging acrobatic skills. The competitions are divided into three categories: women, men and mixed teams.

A team consists of 6-12 gymnasts who all participate in the rhythm discipline. On the tumbling and trampette, 6 gymnasts compete in each round. Mixed teams consist of equal numbers of male and female gymnasts.

PE-Redskaber and our experience with TeamGym

PE-Redskaber has been a proud part of TeamGym from the beginning. Shortly after our founding, we started developing specialised gymnastics equipment for TeamGym. These apparatus have been continuously improved and optimised to take the sport to a new level. Our years of experience and dedication are reflected in the quality and innovation of our products.

We are always available to our customers to ensure they get the best apparatus for their team or organisation. Our expertise and commitment help find solutions that meet the specific needs of each team.

Our gymnastics equipment is designed with a focus on functionality, safety and durability, which is essential for training and competing in TeamGym. Here are some of the ways we contribute to TeamGym:

  • Gymnastics center: Our gymnastics center are ideal for TeamGym. These facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art tumbling tracks and trampolines that allow gymnasts to perform complex jumps and routines with maximum safety and precision.
  • Safety and quality: Safety is a crucial priority for us. Our products undergo strict quality controls and are tested to ensure they meet the highest standards. This gives coaches and gymnasts confidence that the equipment will perform reliably during intense training sessions and competitions.
  • Innovation and technology:  We are known for being at the forefront of technology and innovation. We integrate new materials and design techniques into our products to improve performance and safety. This makes us a valuable partner for TeamGym teams looking to improve their training results and competitive performance.

UEG-standard compliant equipment

When you choose PE-Redskaber as your TeamGym equipment supplier, you are guaranteed reliable solutions that meet the highest standards in the world of gymnastics, where all equipments meets UEG (Union Européenne de Gymnastique) standards. These standards are essential for using the equipments in international competitions, ensuring you get the best equipment designed to support gymnasts in their training and performance. Here's what the UEG standards ensure for you as a buyer:

The UEG standards are designed to ensure that all gymnastics equipment is safe to use and can withstand the stresses they are subjected to during training and competitions. PE-Redskaber products undergo extensive testing to ensure they can withstand intensive use while minimising the risk of damage.
To achieve the best results in TeamGym, precision is key. UEG standards ensure that apparatus are manufactured with high precision, which means they have uniform dimensions and specifications. This allows gymnasts to train and compete on equipment that feels consistent and reliable.
Gymnastics equipment that meets UEG standards is designed to provide the best performance. This means that PE-Redskabers equipment helps gymnasts perform at the highest level by offering optimal shock absorption, jumping power and stability.
By choosing PE-Redskaber that meets UEG standards, you ensure that your equipment is approved for use in international competitions. This means that gymnasts can train on the same equipment they will use in competitions, providing an important preparation advantage.
The UEG standards also include requirements for sustainability and environmentally friendly production. At PE-Redskaber, we are committed to making active choices that promote green transition and minimise our environmental impact. We continuously work to make our production more sustainable and implement environmentally friendly practices wherever possible. This means that your purchases with us contribute to our joint endeavours to achieve a more sustainable future.

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